Hood River, Oregon

While tending to some responsibilities, I traveled through Hood River, Oregon, several times this spring and summer. On this last (much cooler!) trip, I was finally able to take some area photos.

I really like this small, rugged, windy, and clean outdoorsy town. It’s located just above the active Columbia River Gorge and just below the local orchards—orchards that provide a view of Mount Hood.

Hood River, Oregon, is where extreme sports are beautifully visible on the water and so incredible to witness (I’m too afraid to participate in them, but I love to watch them).

Hood River is where I browse outdoor gear shops and local artisan shops, use the library (which loans household items and tools!), and walk around town.

I especially appreciate hiking up and down the hills—and the second street stairs.

And, of course, Hood River is where I enjoy eating gluten-free vegan food.