Hiking to Sun Valley's Roundhouse on Bald Mountain (in Ketchum, Idaho)

Slowly adventuring through the high mountain desert, my most challenging hike of the summer was to Sun Valley’s Roundhouse on Bald Mountain (“Baldy”) in Ketchum, Idaho. For instance, the moment I turned and saw this view behind me was the moment I discovered that we were not hiking up hiking trails—we were hiking and scrambling up ski runs. And as I scrambled up this ski run, it was steep enough that my hands had to flail around to keep me from falling back downhill (I still couldn’t use my hiking poles).

To get here, we walked from downtown Ketchum, along the Wood River Trail, until we reached River Run Day Lodge (located at 5750’ above sea level). We then hiked straight up Lower River Run ski run. We turned left and scrambled up Lower Olympic ski run. We turned left again onto Olympic Lane ski run. Last, we hiked up Roundhouse Slope. We then walked around the Roundhouse Gondola to reach Roundhouse, which sits at 7727’ above sea level. We gained nearly 2000’ in elevation.

The mountain towns of Ketchum and Sun Valley, Idaho, were always just a glance away.

And reaching this meadow, I can’t express the peace it evokes.

It’s clearly the reason so many memorials are placed here—memorials for those who have loved this mountain.

After hiking, scrambling, and hiking some more, we passed the top of the Olympic ski run—a favorite black diamond ski run for anyone except me. Especially since my vast experience on the bunny slopes proclaims this a double black diamond run.

Then I paused to view the Boulder-White Clouds in the distance. This is where I could see Roundhouse to my left—just yards away. Yet this is where I almost gave up on completing this hike. I wanted to turn around and walk back down this mountain (all by myself). I was still recovering from my accident and still acclimating to this elevation, so I fell behind at least twenty local elders who passed me on this mountain. I felt like a burden. I had to pause every few steps so my heart could stop racing. My lungs and legs felt like lead weights. I had easily climbed more vertical feet before—but at lower elevations. I don’t know how, but I slowly turned toward Roundhouse.

I (miraculously) made it up the last and littlest ski slope, Roundhouse Slope. It was only the length of a long driveway, but it felt like an eternity. At its top, I walked around the gondola and stood here, at the base of Roundhouse, looking southwest and pausing to breathe. Seattle Ridge Day Lodge is up to the left. Broadway ski run (and the bowls) are to the right. After a month of forest fires and smoke, this seemed like the best day in the world to be here. I wanted to soak in this rugged beauty before the snow arrived.

And I turned around to photograph the evidence. We hiked to Sun Valley’s Roundhouse on Bald Mountain. Some consider Roundhouse a fine dining restaurant. Others see it as a rugged day lodge, somewhat round in shape. With a clean bathroom for all to use, we couldn’t ask for more. Our nuts, dates, apple, and water never tasted so good.

One thing that feels especially beautiful to me is hiking back down a mountain. I find it exhilarating, even if the hike up felt excruciating. This hike was no different. I was really looking forward to how good it would feel to hike down this mountain. But not everyone else shared those feelings. And that’s okay. After overcoming my own challenges on this hike, I was happy to support others in getting down this mountain in the way that felt best to them (easy on the knees). So the Roundhouse Gondola whisked us effortlessly down Baldy for free—revealing just how steep our hike up the mountain had been.