Outdoor Shoes and Gear in Stockholm, Sweden

Finding Outdoor Shoes and Gear in Stockholm, Sweden | OMventure.com

We checked the weather

Before we headed to Stockholm, Sweden, we checked the weather report. Stockholm was projected to experience a month in the 60s, with a few days in the low 70s, along with a good bit of wind and clouds.

So it seemed like a good time to finally donate my old worn Chaco sandals and just wear a pair of breathable mesh walking shoes in Sweden. Because temperatures in the 60s, with wind and clouds, sounded a tad cold to me.

Then the weather changed

Soon after we arrived in Stockholm, instead of having temperatures in the 60s or low 70s, the temperature hovered near 90. For nearly thirty days.

This surprise heatwave, combined with the fact that we walk nearly everywhere, meant that my toes were soon unwilling to stay inside my mesh walking shoes.

So I needed to find outdoor shoes and gear in Stockholm

Specifically, I needed to find an outdoor gear store that sold Chaco sandals (with thin double straps), a style that typically meets all of my spring and summer needs.

  • I love the way Chaco sandals look with thin double straps

  • this style has a more feminine look on my feet

  • it’s also cute with any of my shorts, pants, skirts, or dresses

  • Chaco makes these as vegan sandals

  • I love their arch support

  • they are comfy on sidewalks

  • they can also tackle hiking trails

  • I can wash them in a front loading washer

I was also hoping to find a new outfit or two. I thought the heat justified it.

After an intense search

I spent quite a bit of time intensely searching the internet for all the outdoor stores in Stockholm. Without my VPN installed, without using a translator, and without asking local friends for help. Because I tend to like discovering things on my own. And I like being thorough. But this was a bit exhausting in the heat, and I needed new shoes quickly.

Fortunately, a certain someone loves to hike everywhere, so he led us through Stockholm until we found Naturkompaniet—a beautiful store that caters to Sweden's passion for ekologisk responsibility in the outdoors.  If you’re from the Pacific Northwest, they're like a cute little REI.

Naturkompaniet was also, literally, the only store in Stockholm that carried Chaco sandals (and they only had a few left). Success!

Afterward, of course, we had to make it a point to visit every other outdoor gear store that we could find in Stockholm. We love to go back to them every time we visit. Here’s our current list:


Outdoor gear stores in Stockholm, Sweden

Add Nature

“Addnature's store in Stockholm contains large parts of our product range, but not everything. The remaining assortment can be ordered to the store for delivery within 1-3 working days.” Google Maps: Birger Jarlsgatan 43, 111 45 Stockholm

Alewalds (Outlet)

“Alewalds has more than 250 leading brands in the range and has placed special emphasis on Scandinavian brands. We have Sweden's largest range of Bergans, Haglöfs, Ivanhoe, Lundhags and Silva as well as one of Sweden's largest range of Fjällräven, Icebreaker and Janus.

“Kungsgatan 68 … functions as Alewalds Quality Outlet. Here, outgoing models of quality products are sold in a fresh store in the city at 30-70% of recommended prices with knowledgeable staff to help the customers.” Google Map: Kungsgatan 68, 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden


“Kungsgatan 32 … has one of the largest cross-country skiing departments and Sweden's widest range of roller skis and is the official Vasalopp shop.” Google Map: Kungsgatan 32, 111 35 Stockholm, Sweden


“Our company is built on a value-driven foundation; we are reliable, curious and proud. Precise reliability means that you can trust that your Haglöf products are durable and functional in every way. Curiosity is about constantly evaluating ourselves to see if we can be even better, more innovative and more relevant to our customers.” Google Map: Kungsgatan 10, 111 43 Stockholm, Sweden


“Together with our customers, we are recycling, renting, repairing and reusing our way to a new, sustainable outdoor industry. Are we the biggest outdoor company? Far from. We don't aim to be the biggest. We only aim to be the best.” Google Maps: Norrlandsgatan 12, 111 43 Stockholm

Naturkompaniet (one of many in STHLM)

“We who work at Naturkompaniet love the outdoors and to stay in nature. For us, it is a matter of course to do our best to protect the environment. Our primary weapon in the fight for a better environment is that we only sell products of high quality in an often timeless design. In our opinion, a quality product should last for a long time and should not create a buy-and-use behavior with our customers. Employees at Naturkompaniet take trains in favor of air and car whenever possible if we do not wear hiking boots or bicycle shoes.” Google Maps: Kungsgatan 26, 111 35 Stockholm, Sweden

Norrøna (Flagship Store)

“Without nature, there's no us. We believe the only way to run a company is with a sustainable platform and every day we strive to improve, explore and inspire to protect our home.” Google Maps: Kungsgatan 28, 111 35 Stockholm, Sweden

The North Face

“The North Face® still has the same basic vision as 1966:
We want to provide the best equipment for athletes and modern explorers, support nature conservation efforts and inspire a movement for global exploration.” Google Maps: Kungsgatan 28, 111 35 Stockholm, Sweden


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